Underage Encounter! 27-year-old New York MAN SENTENCED to 25 Years for TRAVELING TO MEET UNDERAGE LYNCHBURG GIRL

Underage Encounter! 27-year-old New York MAN SENTENCED to 25 Years for TRAVELING TO MEET UNDERAGE LYNCHBURG GIRL

A New York man who drove 8 hours to have sex with a 14-year-old Lynchburg girl was sentenced to 25 years in federal prison on Monday, according to the US Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Virginia.

According to the DOJ, Derrick Loi of Lakeville, New York, pleaded guilty to one count of coercion and enticement earlier this year. As previously reported, Loi and the victim met on Twitter and began communicating via Discord.

Loi informed the young girl that he wanted to acquire sexually graphic photographs and films of her, as well as meet her in person for sex. In February of last year, Loi agreed to pay the Victim $300 for having sex with him and providing him with sexually graphic photographs. On February 22, Loi and the victim began making plans for Loi to travel to meet her.

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Loi eventually booked a hotel room in Lynchburg and drove the 8-hour trip from New York. Just as Loi arrived at the prearranged place, a Lynchburg Police Department officer drove up and began questioning him before arresting him.

According to the WSLS, the Federal Bureau of Investigation investigated the matter, and the Lynchburg Police Department provided critical assistance.

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