Kansas Hospital EMPLOYEE SOLD HUMAN BODY PARTS ONLINE; Arrested in Pennsylvania for Federal Charges

Kansas Hospital EMPLOYEE SOLD HUMAN BODY PARTS ONLINE; Arrested in Pennsylvania for Federal Charges

A man from Wichita who had previously worked at Wesley Medical Center has admitted his guilt in a case that is being heard in federal court. The case is related to the theft of human body parts from the hospital.

Angelo Pereyra and Angelo Ensanian, two persons, have just entered guilty pleas in federal court for a crime that is associated with the transportation of stolen items across state lines. Ensanian, who is 37 years old and lives in Montgomery, Pennsylvania, and Pereyra, who is 39 years old and lives in Wichita, both accepted their guilt on Monday.

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Pereyra said that he had taken the remains from Wesley Medical Center, where he worked, and then made plans to sell them to Ensanian over four years.
According to the documents, there was no information provided on the particular body parts that were engaged.

An assistant United States attorney stated that Ensanian and Pereyra were involved in business transactions that took place online, including those that took place through eBay.

A search of Ensanian’s apartment yielded the discovery of remains, as stated by the assistant United States Attorney. Additionally, it was determined that Ensanian had sold additional things.

According to reports from PennLive, Ensanian and Pereyra admitted that the estimated value of the human remains involved in the plan varied from $6,500 to $15,000. This information was provided according to the reports.

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After conducting a conversation with Pereyra’s attorney at the end of May, 12 News was able to confirm that his client was employed at a medical facility located in Wichita. Pereyra has agreed with the United States Attorney’s Office to admit guilt, according to the attorney, who claimed that he has shown profound regret for his acts.

An announcement was made by the United States Attorney’s Office in a recent update, stating that multiple persons had been prosecuted as part of a lengthy investigation into the trafficking of human remains at various locations around the United States. The fact that three of the defendants have already entered guilty pleas in Pennsylvania was another revelation that came to light yesterday. In the state of Arkansas, another person has been charged with a crime and found guilty PennLive.com reported.

In a report that was published by Patriot-News, it was stated that the case that involves Ensanian and Pereyra is only tangentially related to a conspiracy in which seven individuals are accused of stealing or selling human remains from the Harvard Medical School and a mortuary in Arkansas.

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