Weather Forecast RAIN and CLOUDS Provide Relief From Atlanta's Heat, but Moisture and Storms Loom

Weather Forecast: RAIN and CLOUDS Provide Relief From Atlanta’s Heat, but Moisture and Storms Loom

ATLANTA – Thursday was another exceptionally hot day in the Atlanta metro area, although the area managed to avoid triple-digit temperatures due to the presence of rain and clouds that arrived earlier in the day.

“The rain and clouds were there before that, and now the showers are clearing out just before the late evening hours,” stated Jonathan Stacey, a meteorologist from FOX 5’s Storm Team. “Winds are bringing in more moisture from the east-southeast at seven miles per hour, fueling potential storms.”

For the following 48 hours and into the weekend, the weather in the region will be impacted by a stationary front. In the next days, we may anticipate scattered showers across the Alabama–Georgia state boundary in the wee hours of the morning. However, most of the country will stay dry until midday, when elevated moisture levels may cause isolated storms.

What is the Weather Going to Be Like This Weekend?

Expect temperatures to return to the lower 90s this weekend, with Sunday seeing highs around 95. “The heat is on and it’s going to be hard to turn off,” said Stacey.

The Storm Team is keeping an eye on a tropical disturbance in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea that has a 20% likelihood of developing. The Lesser Antilles could be hit in the next several days by a developing low-pressure system in the Atlantic as per fox5atlanta.

The seven-day prognosis calls for steady 90s throughout the day, with afternoon thunderstorms and rain possible.

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