Florida Attorney General Sued by 19-year-old Stripper after New Age Restrictions

Florida Attorney General Sued by 19-year-old Stripper after New Age Restrictions

A young woman who worked as a stripper is currently pursuing legal action against the state following the termination of her employment.

Serenity Bushey recently left her position at Cafe Risqué, located just outside of Gainesville.

She has filed a lengthy complaint, alleging that a recent law change resulted in her losing her job and infringing upon her First Amendment right to freedom of expression.

According to her, several other performers at Cafe Risqué were also affected by the new law, resulting in them losing their jobs.

Earlier this year, Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB 7063. It prohibits individuals under the age of 21 from being employed at adult entertainment establishments.

Lawmakers have stated that the purpose of this measure is to address the issue of human trafficking as reported by Daytona Beach News Journal.

The legislation states that performers may be involved in the sex trade and even trafficking, along with customers, managers, owners, and workers at establishments. The bill argues that limiting employment opportunities for performers under 21 is necessary to safeguard these individuals from potential risks such as sex trafficking, drug abuse, and other forms of harm.

However, Bushey and other adult establishments are arguing in the lawsuit that the new law is overly restrictive.

The law also prohibits individuals under a certain age from working at adult entertainment establishments, including performers, cooks, waitresses, DJs, and security personnel, according to the lawsuit.

Two additional businesses, Cafe Risqué, a strip club in Jacksonville, and a local lingerie store in the Jacksonville area, have also decided to participate in the lawsuit against the Attorney General. They argue that the legislature did not take into account the possibility of implementing a less strict regulation.

The lawsuit argues that the law places an undue burden on speech without effectively serving any significant governmental purpose. Individuals have the freedom to form relationships with other consenting adults, which includes the ability to hire and enter into agreements with them.

Lawmakers have acknowledged the importance of safeguarding the First Amendment rights of performers. Nevertheless, the legislation highlights cases where comparable laws and ordinances have been enacted, citing safety as the rationale.

A Louisiana law continues to prohibit the consumption of alcohol in adult entertainment venues that employ individuals under the age of 21. A new ordinance has been passed in the City of Jacksonville, aiming to address the issues of human trafficking and prostitution by raising the minimum age requirement for entertainers to 21. The case remains in federal court.

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